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CX vs UX in the Era of Experience: Which Is More Important?

CX vs UX in the Era of Experience: Which Is More Important?

Design Process
6 min read

CX vs UX design is not about choosing one over the other; both are crucial elements contributing to a business's success. They are closely linked and often used interchangeably. But at the same time, they offer unique perspectives on how businesses can improve relationships with their customers. 

So, what differentiates CX from UX? And more importantly, why should businesses pay attention to them?

Arounda works with clients of all sizes across many sectors, from startups to established brands. We know how user experience determines the life of your brand. In this article, we'll delve into the nuances between CX vs UX in the era of experience, shedding light on their impact on business outcomes.

Customer Experience

CX refers to a customer's experience throughout their entire journey with a brand. It encompasses every interaction, including advertising, website navigation, customer service, and product quality. CX emphasizes a holistic perception of a brand.

User Experience

UX is a subset of CX that focuses explicitly on the interaction between a user and a product or service. UX design aims to optimize the usability and accessibility of a product. It involves designing intuitive interfaces, easy navigation, and clear information architecture.

CX vs UX vs UI vs Service Design

You've probably heard that UX is often used in conjunction with UI. Let’s briefly describe the meaning of CX vs UX vs UI. 

User Interface (UI) is a part of UX and refers explicitly to the graphical layout of a product. It includes buttons, text, images, sliders, entry fields, and all the items people interact with on a screen. UI designers have to graphically convey the product's identity and functionality. 

To sum up, CX covers all contact points between the client and the company. UX focuses on the experience of using, and UI focuses on the visual aspects of the product.

The debate of CX vs UX vs Service Design also surfaces in design conversations. Service design is a holistic approach that breaks services into sections and adapts them to the users in different contexts. It covers digital and physical aspects, including how various components work together. 

While these disciplines have a unique focus, they often overlap and require collaboration. In many cases, a designer might have skills in all three areas. 

UX and CX Differences in Detail

It's essential to understand the distinction between CX vs UX design. Focusing on UX alone may lead to a great product experience, but ignoring the broader CX cancould still leave customers unsatisfied. Debating CX vs UX design often boils down to scope. Here are some differences:


  • CX encompasses the experience of the broader customer base. It includes potential, existing, and even former customers. 
  • UX focuses on the experience of specific users directly interacting with a particular product or service. It considers their goals, behaviors, and preferences.


  • CX considers a wide range of online and offline touchpoints where customers interact with a brand. It can include advertising, social media, customer service, physical stores, websites, and more.
  • UX primarily focuses on the touchpoints related to the specific product or service. It involves designing a website, mobile app, or other software.

Metrics and Goals

  • CX metrics often include Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer loyalty, retention, and lifetime value. The goal is to create a positive brand perception and build long-term customer relationships.
  • UX metrics typically involve usability testing, task completion rates, conversion, and feedback. The goal is to optimize the product's efficiency and attractiveness.

Organizational Focus

  • CX is often a strategic priority for the entire organization. It requires cross-functional collaboration and alignment across various departments. It includes marketing, sales, customer service, and product development.
  • UX commonly focuses on product teams and involves UX designers, researchers, and developers.

CX vs UX Design: Examples

To better understand the difference between CX and UX, let's take a look at some practical examples in the digital environment.

UX: Check-out Process

Imagine you're shopping online for a new pair of shoes. You found a pair you love, added them to your cart, and you're ready to check out. The check-out process, in this case, is a prime example of UX.

How simple is it? Are the product details and shipping information clear? How many steps are there to complete a task? And how quickly does the page respond? These aspects shape user experience. You will likely feel satisfied with the UX if the process proves to be smooth, quick, and intuitive. If it's complicated, unclear, or time-consuming, you may leave the website without completing the purchase due to poor UX.

CX: End-to-End Online Shopping Experience

The customer experience starts when you first visit the website and search for the shoes. It continues as you read reviews, add the shoes to a cart, and check out. It also includes the moment you receive the shoes, and all the other contacts with customer service.

UX and CX Similarities

Here are some key similarities between UX and CX:

User-Centric Approach 

CX and UX focus on the users' or customers' needs, preferences, and expectations. They prioritize understanding users’ motivations and pain points.

Emphasis on Satisfaction

Both disciplines aim to create satisfying and delightful experiences for users. They focus on reducing friction, optimizing usability, and providing intuitive interactions.

Research and Data-Driven 

CX and UX rely on research methods and data analysis to gain insights into a customer's behavior and preferences. 

Iterative Design Process 

Both disciplines follow an iterative design approach. It involves continuous improvement based on user feedback and data. 

Business Impact 

CX and UX have a direct impact on business outcomes. Satisfied users and customers are more likely to recommend the brand to others. It can result in higher loyalty and retention rates. 

Collaboration and Alignment

CX and UX require collaboration and alignment across various organizational departments. They involve close coordination between marketing, product development, design, and customer service.

The Importance of CX vs UX in the Era of Experience

CX and UX have become increasingly crucial for businesses to make meaningful connections. Here are a few key reasons why:

Omnichannel Approach 

Customers interact with brands across multiple channels: websites, mobile apps, social media, physical stores, and customer service. Ensuring seamless UX and CX across these channels is vital to user retention.

Emotional Connection

Emotional connection with customers involves understanding their needs, motivations, and desires. It helps to design experiences that evoke positive emotions and build long-term loyalty.

Personalization and Customization 

Tailoring experiences to individual preferences and needs is a crucial aspect of CX and UX. It leverages data and technology to provide personalized recommendations, content, and interactions.

How to Use CX vs UX Design for Business Benefit?

Here are some ways to leverage CX and UX for business success:

Understand Your Customers and Users

Invest in user research and customer feedback tools to gain deep insights into your target audience's needs. This understanding will inform your CX and UX strategies.

Define a Clear Vision

Develop a clear vision and strategy for CX and UX within your organization. Align your goals and objectives to deliver exceptional experiences that differentiate your brand.

Foster Cross-Functional Collaboration

Establish cross-functional teams. Encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing to ensure consistent and seamless experiences across all touchpoints.

Personalization and Customization

Leverage customer data and technology to deliver personalized experiences. Tailor content, recommendations, and interactions to individual preferences and behavior.

Develop a Culture of Customer-Centricity

Embed a customer-centric mindset within your organization. Ensure that all employees understand the importance of CX and UX and contribute to improving it. Encourage a culture of empathy and continuous improvement.

Implement Powerful CX and UX with Arounda

When creating smooth and enjoyable experience, both CX vs UX design are crucial. CX focuses on the overall customer journey. UX concentrates on the user's interaction with specific products.

With extensive experience in the web industry, Arounda doesn't just develop products. We create memorable digital journeys that drive user engagement. So contact us if you want to keep your users happy. 


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FAQ on UI/UX design services

What is the difference between CX vs UX design?

UX is more specific and is usually tied to a product, platform, or service. It encompasses the user's interaction with a particular product. CX is broader. It involves customer interaction with a company across multiple channels.

Does CX include UX?

UX is typically concerned with usability, whereas CX encompasses the whole customer journey with a company. This journey can include interactions with the product (UX) and other touchpoints. So, yes, UX is a component of the broader CX. Great UX can contribute to positive CX, but the last one requires more than excellent UX. It needs positive experiences across all channels.

Can a company focus on CX without considering UX?

It's not advisable. Since UX is a critical component of CX, ignoring UX could lead to a poor overall CX.

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