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How to Hire a UX Designer: Top 5 Tips

How to Hire a UX Designer: Top 5 Tips

Hiring designer
7 min read

Hiring a UX designer is required for different projects and needs. UX professionals can work on the project concept or fine-tune the existing one, making it more intuitive, user-oriented, and attractive. 

This article explains how to hire a UI/UX designer. It covers all the basics, answers the most common questions, and gives tips and hints.

When Do You Need a UI/UX Designer?

You need a UI/UX designer to make your product stand out from the competition. It applies to starting from scratch or improving an existing one. A good designer will ensure your product looks great, meets industry standards, and is easy to use. They'll understand your users' needs and create a design that addresses them in a way that makes sense.

It's common to consider design only from the UI perspective. To put a lot of focus on the appearance while putting aside the usability. But it usually leads to launching a pretty product that people won't understand how to use.

What Defines a Great UX Design?

If a code is a precious gift, UX design is a box, and UI design is paper and a ribbon. The packaging might be beautiful, and the present itself might be great, but if you don’t know how to open the box, if it takes time, requires tools, or annoys you — the gift might never be reached. 

Great UX design creates a satisfying and valuable experience for users. It combines UI design, user research, and usability testing. A well-designed product or service allows users to navigate through the app smoothly. By creating a positive user experience, you increase customer satisfaction, reduce the number of complaints, and increase loyalty. 

Key Responsibilities of a UI/UX Designer

First and foremost, a UX designer is responsible for how users interact with software. Whether it’s a website, app, or desktop program, this person determines users' actions to achieve the intended results and strives to make them intuitive.

A UI designer makes the results of a UX designer's work look pretty. They pick colors, play with fonts and visuals to make the product look great and match requirements.

A UI/UX designer is a combination of both. The list of their responsibilities looks more or less like this:

  • Collaborate with PM, BA, and engineers to collect user requirements. 
  • Illustrate design concepts.
  • Create graphic user interface elements: menus, tabs, widgets, etc.
  • Create navigation buttons and search fields.
  • Deliver UI mockups and prototypes that present appearance and functionality.
  • Create unique graphic designs. 
  • Present their work to internal teams and stakeholders.
  • Identify and resolve UX issues.
  • Make improvements based on user feedback. 

UI/UX Designer’s Skill Set

A UI/UX designer's portfolio often combines both UI and UX cases. It provides the software visuals and examples of the analysis and thinking behind the solutions. Some designers have stronger UI skills, while others are better at UX. When looking for a UI/UX designer, pay more attention to whichever skill your company and your product need. 

Technical Skills

  • Understanding of Agile and project management in general.
  • Ability to conduct interviews and surveys, and compile reports.
  • Running usability tests.
  • Prototyping, wireframing, and creating mockups.
  • Excellent knowledge of design tools and related software like Sketch, Figma, Photoshop, etc.

Soft Skills

  • Ability to work both in a group and independently
  • Outstanding verbal and written communication abilities
  • Multitasking
  • Time management

Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a UX Designer

The hiring process might be tricky, even for experienced recruiters. How to hire a designer with lower risks? Avoid these common and costly mistakes.

Hiring a One-man Band

One person might be good at many things but can’t be great at everything. Opt for a specialist that is well experienced in the most crucial field for you than someone who does many things at a moderate level.

Not Defining a List of Must-have Skills

Consider the vital, the desired, and the optional skills. It will help you set priorities and choose a designer who matches your expectations.

Not Giving Enough Time for a Test Task

The candidate might be overwhelmed with test tasks for several companies or projects. They might also combine job search with work in their current position. It’s always better to give enough time and get well-thought work.

Underestimating a Сompetition 

Now is the time when markets are fiercely competitive. Do research and offer competitive benefits and compensation. 

Questions To Ask a UX Designer During the Interview

To interview UX designers, prepare a list to help you determine their personal qualities, skills, experience, and attitude. Use the following examples for inspiration.

General Questions

  • How do you keep your skills up to date?
  • How do you stay current with design trends?
  • Do you prefer individual or teamwork?
  • How do you handle work-related stress?
  • What qualities do you think make you a good UX designer?
  • What are some of your weaknesses/space for improvement as a UX designer?
  • What was your most significantt professional accomplishment/challenge?
  • What did you enjoy most about your previous company/position/project?

Technical Questions

  • Take a glance at one of our products. How would you improve the UX?
  • What techniques do you use to decide which features to add?
  • How do you validate/conduct usability testing?
  • Walk me through resolving the design problem.
  • What analytical tools and data do you usually use to evaluate your designs?
  • How do you define success after a product's launch?

Personal Questions 

  • What made you apply for this position/company/project?
  • Where do you see yourself professionally in the nearest future/five years?
  • Which of your projects are you most proud of?
  • What/who inspires you?
  • How do you handle negative feedback?
  • What helps you adapt to a new working environment?

Hiring Options: In-House vs. Freelancers vs. Outsourcing

How to hire a UI/UX designer, according to your specific needs? There are three main options: an in-house specialist, a freelancer, or a dedicated specialist from an agency or outsourcing company. 


The main pro of hiring an in-house designer is that they will adapt to your company culture, develop needed skills, work according to your policy, and you will have control over the design process. But you take care of employment regulations, paying a salary and benefits, covering sick leaves, and dealing with taxes. 

You also have to provide a designer with constant work. The hiring process is usually time-consuming, so it’s not an option if you have an urgent task.


Freelancers complete tasks for your company as contractors. It might be short-term or long-term cooperation, or you can cross paths from time to time. In this scenario, you are free from employment-related issues. You can also choose from many profiles on freelance platforms. It’s handy when you need someone ASAP.

But really great professionals are rarely available ASAP since they are in huge demand. Sometimes hiring turns into betting. 


This approach means that you hire a UI/UX designer from an agency and cooperate on a contract basis. The designer works as an in-house specialist, but you are not responsible for paying taxes and employment benefits. 

You can manage designers yourself or delegate these responsibilities to your outsourcing partner. The agency can scale up your team when the project requires it.

If you hire dedicated designers from a reputable agency, you can be sure they are competent. Agency designers usually have plenty of experience in varied projects and follow recent trends. 


A successful mobile or web solution can’t exist without an attractive and user-friendly interface. An experienced and dedicated UI/UX designer combines outstanding aesthetic taste with competency in technical tools, strategic thinking, and research skills.

Now, that you know how to hire a designer, you can pick the option that suits you. Hiring from an agency or tech company is best for most business tasks. A dedicated designer is professional and reliable, and an agency can take care of management and team expansion.

Have you got a product idea in mind? Are you looking to hire a dedicated designer? We at Arounda have you covered. Contact us to discuss your project.


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FAQ on UI/UX design services

How do I recruit UX designers?

You have to define requirements and key and optional skills. Describe the project and prepare answers for questions that may occur in advance. Write a position description, publish it, and start targeted outreach.

How do I hire the best UX designer?

You create the lists of requirements and hard and soft skills. Thoroughly review applications, pay decent attention to portfolios and test tasks, and conduct detailed interviews.

How much should a UX designer charge?

UI/UX designers charge various prices depending on their experience, expertise, and location. The median hourly rate for UX Designers is $25-27.

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